Tuesday, August 7, 2012



My brother is color blind and since he has four different colors of socks in his drawer, he usually just pulls out the first two and wears a mismatched pair. he has blue, brown, black, and blue and white striped socks in the drawer in the ratio of 8 blue to 6 brown, to 6 black, to 8 blue and white. how many socks would he have to pull before he could be certain of having a matched pair?

This is a classic "trick question". The numbers of socks is meant to be a distraction. The answer is ridiculously simple if you look at it the right way.
Consider the worst case scenario. He picks four socks and they happen to be four different colors. Then the fifth sock MUST match one of the the four socks. Therfore, he needs to pull out 5 socks(at most)

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