Saturday, October 6, 2012


Another area of inferential statistics involves determining whether a relationship between two or more numerical quantitative variables exists. These kinds of problems are answered by using the technique of correlation and regression analysis.

Correlation-is a statistical method used to determine whether a relation between the variables exist
Regression-is a statistical method used to describe the nature of relationship between variables.

Types of relationships:
1. Simple relationship-there are only two variables under study. Example: a students grade is affected by the number of absence
           a. Positive relationship-exists when both variables increases or decrease at the same time.
           b. Negative relationship-as one variable increases, the other variable decreases or otherwise.
2. Multiple relationship-many variables are under study. Example: a student grade has a relationship with the number of absence, hours of studying, extracurricular activities and family backgrounds.

by: Oscar Pepin B. Marfil

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