Sunday, October 28, 2012


Hypothesis Testing

This second grading period, our lessons generally focuses on Hypothesis Testing.  Our (II-Gold) first encounter with Hypothesis Testing can be somewhat confusing, challenging and greatly needs our thinking and comprehensive ability, since there are many concepts being introduced at the same time.  to full understand all the detailed concepts, we must carefully follow each steps given by our teacher and do all the exercises assigned to us.  Only after careful study and patience will these concepts become clear.  and of course, it will be much clearer because of the teaching ability of Miss Kristin Macatigos.

z Test and t Test for a Mean

honestly speaking, this topic, for me, is the easiest compared to other topics that we've learned this grading period.  We've learned that if the sample size is 30 or more the test that should be used is the z test and if the sample size is less than 30, t Test will be used.  Although this topic is somewhat easy for the fact that almost all of us, the II-Gold students, have high scores regarding this but there are some problems that was given to us that were very tricky.  it thought me a lesson that in life we shouldn't too advantages to all things.

Testing the Difference Between Two Means, Two Variances and Two Proportions

After explaining all the basic concepts about Hypothesis Testing, we have stored knowledge about it that was really used when we discussed this chapter.
This chapter focuses in comparing two sample means, using experimental and control groups.  As a matter of fact, this chapter marks the start of our endless dilemmas an Advanced Statistics.  We were asking and saying "Okay? Ano kuno?" or even "Ha?! Paano nag amo run ka ra?!" and worse is "Yes Ma'am! 9faces his classmate) Ano kuno hambal ni Ma'am?" (Ma'am Macatigos, we're truly sorry about that.)  But nothing's impossible, before ending our lesson in this chapter we have gained knowledge that someday we wished we may able to share.

Correlation and Regression

This chapter is about determining whether a relationship between two or more numerical or quantitative variables exists.  This topic involves a lot of steps.  So you're very fortunate if your scientific calculator is a natural display since Ma'am Macatigos had taught us some shortcuts. 
If ever I am to describe the III-Gold students I would compare it to a damsel in distress.  If we are so careless then we have no choice but to go back from the start.  This topic really requires a lot of patience and being careful.  if there's a damsel in distress, there is always the knight in shining armor to the rescue.  And our knight in shining armor is Ma'am Macatigos (although she is a lady).  She never fails to rescue us in times of distress during our class in Advanced Statistics.

X2 Test and Analysis of Variance

This chapter explains the chi-distribution and its applications especially in research.  This is also the last chapter of our lesson in Advanced Statistics.  This isn't so bad as we have all expected, it turns to be the opposite.  Yes, it was a hard lesson, and it was a great bliss that we have all passed this topic.    It was a great relief for all of us.  

By: Marie Louissie Ynez U. Lavega

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