Friday, July 27, 2012


Hypothesis testing is a  decision-making process for evaluating claims about the population.

Every hypothesis-testing begins with the statement of a hypothesis.

-hypothesis concerning the parameters such as means and proportions can be investigated. There are two specific statistical test used for hypotheses concerning means: the z test and t test.

3 Methods used to test the hypothesis:

1. The traditional method - used since the hypothesis-testing method was formulated.
2. The P-value - has become popular with the advent of modern computers and high-powered statistical calculator.
3. The confidence interval method - states and illustrates relationship between hypothesis-testing and  confidence intervals.

The statistical hypothesis is a conjecture about population parameter. The conjecture may r may not be true.

2 of statistical hypothesis:

1. Null hypothesis - symbolized by  H0 , is a statistical hypothesis that states that there is no difference between parameter and special values, or that there is no difference between two parameters.
2. Alternative hypothesis - symbolized by  H1 , is a statistical hypothesis that states the existence of a difference between a parameter and a specific value, or states that there is a difference between two parameters.

By: Andrea Beatrice Pechueco

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